Saturday, June 14, 2008

E-Town to Dahntahn

WHEW, its been a busy week--or is it a busy two weeks? At this point I have no idea. What that means blogwise is that I'm going to be stingy with the writing and lavish with the photos. You're welcome.

Last Sunday, Mike, Donovan and I drove to see my family in Elyria. Its a 3 hour drive there and the same back and to maximize our time we left at about 8am. Donny slept alot on the way there and I thought he would be alright but, once we got there, it must have been too much unfamiliarity all at once. He was cranky and reticent with my Mom (of all people!) and the trip to the Aunts was over in about 20 minutes (tho he did play their 19th century untuneable piano as you'll see in the photos below). My sister was in the hospital so Mike and Donny went home and I stayed a couple of extra days to help out at home.

I got home on Wednesday and plunged straight back into work--which is getting increasingly crazy these days. Not bad, necessarily, just hard to keep up with. Needless to say I was glad to see the weekend come.

Today was babyday and it was fun tho the rain kept us housebound all day. We missed the Whole Foods Ice Cream Social but, once Mike got done with work, we all three went downtown to the Magarac Attack! We saw our friends Will and Kirsten and we got to meet Kirsten's Dad, Don. We watched the Spuds, walked Donny around and then went to Primanti's. Then we looked at the cool fountain but did'nt take any photos.

See? Even that much tired me out. Now for the photos

My Son, Joe Magerac
Baby's First Primanti's Sammich!

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