Saturday, July 5, 2008

I Am Doing A Good Job Mothering

Today was my first cemetery tour of 2008 and the first one I've done in about a year. I took last year off as I couldn't really see myself lugging a newborn thru a 200 acre historic burial ground.

Due to bad planning on my part, however, I pushed a 15 month old thru a 200 acre historic burial ground. I mean, how could I know anyone would actually sign up for the tour? People are so weird.

Joking aside, I had two people on my tour today and they were just nice as pie--very interested and very conversational. I couldn't ask for a better way to get back in the cemetery tour saddle. Donny, of course, was the perfect baby--he fell asleep by the second monument and stayed that way right until we went back to the office to check out. Of course all the cemetery folk were happy to see him. I almost wished he was a little older as he got waved at by one of the guys driving the backhoe and another who was buzzing by in one of the big work trucks.

My one regret is that I didn't take the time to take any photos of the boy at the cemetery. That's a regret for myself; for him, I kind of felt like he got the short end of the Saturday morning stick and taking photos of him after an hour and a half of being pushed around mausoleums would have been a bit too much like exploitation.

Even tho there was a lot to do at home (or maybe because there was so much to do at home) I decided to make the rest of the day Baby Day. We had lunch at Uncle Sam's, where the boy ate risotto I had packed for him and then shared my fries. We then bussed it to the park in front of the library where he proceeded to run around in his bare baby feet.

I must say, the cap/shirt/shorts combo was a winner. I need to go into business as a Baby Stylist. Sadly, I'm guessing there are such things...

ANYhow, after the park, there was running around to be done in the library then home on the bus then reading of many books (my throat is much better today) and about a 45 minute nap. For him. Reading for me.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. two things:

    1) we need to come do one of your cemetary tours;

    2) i'll take you up on the baby stylist thing. beatrix (the one year old) has only mediocre taste at this point. :-)
