Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Just got back from San Francisco, which is where the Society of American Archivists had their conference this year. It was great to see everyone and to actually be out after dark. And there were some good conference sessions too, I suppose...

But just as I'm transitioning back into the workaday world, Donny is transitioning into his new room at daycare. He is officially out of Infant 2 and into the next room--is it called Toddlers 1? I'm not really sure. Anyhow, as it was his first day, Mike and I both dropped him off and it was traumatic, not for Donny but for me. First, when we got there, it was loud with shrieking and screaming. One little girl was having a serious meltdown while over half the kids in the room were having their hands washed and were being herded out the door (I found out later some of the older kids have breakfast in that room in the morning and we got there right as they were leaving). Poor Donovan was very quiet but he clung to me and, when I went to put him down, he started to whimper. I had to hold him awhile while the new teacher explained how meals and naps are done, where his cubby will be, etc. All the time, my delicate little china doll of a son is burrowing his face into my neck and I'm wondering what the hell I've gotten him into. FINALLY, it calmed down a bit and Donny started squirming a little. I put him down and he walked over to some of the toy shelves to see what was there. He was fine. Me, my cry button got stuck and I sniveled all the way to work.

PLUS: there is ANOTHER kid in that room named Donovan! How crazy is that? I hope his mother doesn't mind when I tell everyone her son's nickname is Stinky or Crazylegs. There's only room for one Donovan and we all know who that is...

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