Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thankful That's Over

I suppose you are wondering how Thanksgiving was. Well, I hope you had a nice one with your loved ones. The three of us went to Ohio to spend it with my family. This was a tough one as my Dad was'nt there, being how he was at the nursing home. He got to come home the next day and, between the getting to Ohio, helping clean for company, helping with the meal and then getting Dad settled in the next day--well, it was great to see everyone but I would'nt call it relaxing.

I don't know what planet conjuncted where but Donovan was on his super best behavior. My aunts had dinner with us and he gave them both kisses several times over. He hugged my Mom probably 8 out of every 10 times she asked him to, he even gave my Dad a hug at the nursing home, which must have been tricky seeing how Donny is short and my Dad was in a wheelchair. Donovan was a little bit pissy during the actual Thanksgiving meal but he made up for it by laughing hysterically while playing in the front room with my Aunt Rose. I'd forgotten that she's fun to play with. Maybe if she lives to be about 90 she can teach him how to swing a bat and how to fly a kite, just like she taught me...

The other big news is that Donovan started at the Waldorf school this week. Its only been two days but, so far, he seems to like it. It was rough leaving him the first day because the other kids seems so much bigger. Not just sizewise but talking and they way they moved and played--how could I leave my Fauntleroy with such ruffians? My hope is that being around older kids will kick Donny over the humps of not talking and still using a bottle. And the smoking and the experimenting with alcohol. That too.

The Waldorf schedule has us on a much earlier schedule so I really need to go to bed. Here are some Thanksgiving photos. Nothing terribly holidaycentric but hopefully you'll like them:
As my Mom can't cook and I did'nt have the time, the meal was catered by Cracker Barrel. And it was lame. BUT I appreciate the fact that Cracker Barrel 1) kept my blind 83 year old mother out of the kitchen and 2) that they provided my son with a box to play in.
The chair is a toddler rocking chair that my Mom stripped and refinished for my sister. I grew up using it too. Donny loves it and has mastered the art of sitting down in it butt first, as opposed to kneeling in it and trying to stand up.

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