Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hi There.

Hello, Friends--its been a long time, yes, but even I was getting tired of photos of Donovan in his highchair. I need to invest in some new backdrops.

Things are going well at Chez Donny. The holidays are officially over as the tree is down and the decorations have been packed away. We are all back to our daily grinds, which doesnt make for good copy.

Like most of the midwest, Pittsburgh is in the middle of a cold snap. There is a wind chill advisory that was announced today (Thursday) that runs thru Saturday. Getting the kid home from daycare yesterday was a travesty that involved a bus too full to board, a shrieking child and a desperate trip to Wendy's for warmth for both of us and fries to block up the kid's piehole. The one good thing that came out of it? Donovan discovered catsup. That was fun to watch.

There are things brewing about which I can say no more. Good things, positive things but still too early to tell things. Stay tuned.

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