Friday, May 22, 2009

It Sneaks Up On You

I had the Old Person's radio station on this morning while I was taking shower and heard The Days of Wine and Roses.

Years ago, Meeo and I were exploring the part of Homewood Cemetery that's near the Homewood Avenue gate and we found an otherwise unremarkable headstone with lyrics from that song engraved between the two names of the husband and wife:

Laugh and run away, like a child at play
Through a meadowland towards a closing door,
A door marked "Nevermore"
That was'nt there before

It gets even more poignant when you know that the husband was there alone, having died 10 years or so earlier and his wife was out there, somewhere, without him. Anyhow, it made me think of my Dad and Mom and I've been weepy ever since.

Plus, I'm homesick.

But it is Friday. And a long weekend with the New Donovan. There's much to be thankful for in that.

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