Friday, July 31, 2009

Random Babynotes

1. Donovan is trying to jump. He can't quite get the both-feet-off-the-ground thing. He tried jumping all around the house last night--around the kitchen table, thru the dining room into the living room and back again.

2. Donny climbed out his crib last night and landed on his back. It was a bad scene. I calmed him down while Mike lowered the bottom of the crib. Pretty soon it will be Big Boy Bed Time. Thank god we live near an Ikea.

3. We have identified another song: Frere Jacques. Reports of The Farmer In the Dell remain unconfirmed.

4. When Mike went to get him at daycare last week, one of the slightly older girls was petting and kissing Donny. Another boy was watching and she said to him, "Its alright--you can kiss him." I told this story to Sheryl who wondered if it was the same little girl who was very concerned that Sheryl was going to take Donovan outside without his rainslicker. Also, reports home have Donovan playing with some of the other boys in the class. That's a bit of relief--for awhile when I'd go in to get him, he always seemed on the periphery of things.

That's all I can think of right now. I am SO VERY GLAD that it's Friday! Its been a tough week at work and I'm looking forward to babyday tomorrow. Also, Mike has off on Sunday so we'll get a full family day in there as well.

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