Sunday, July 26, 2009

Stuffed Animal Parade!!!

Busy weekend for all three of us. Mike had to work both Saturday and Sunday so that left me and the boy to our own devices. Saturday was a whirlwind that centered around a noon doctor's appointment for me and, thus, a date for Donovan with our good buddy Kirsten. Kirsten is exactly the type of person I want my boy hanging out with and they had their date at the lovely Squirrel Hill Carnegie Public Library. The timing of my appointment, however, did not match the timing of the bus system nor did it mesh with the all important Nap Time. Donny ended up falling asleep in the cart in the checkout line at Whole Foods. I had to hold his head up in one hand while I got my debit card out of my wallet with the other.

Today I tried harder to get the timing right and it worked out well. I took the kid to the playground in what started out as mist but turned into a downpour. Did'nt stop him from wanting to go down the slide. I brought him home, dried him off and put him down for his nap. He woke up happy and did'nt want to get out of bed. He insisted on taking all of his stuffed animals and laying them in a row in front of him. Then he picked up each one, kissed it, put it back, picked up the next one, kissed it, etc. etc. Really, it was too cute. I could literally feel shards of cynicism falling off of me melting ice floe style just watching him. I tried to get a good photo but the angle was off and, besides, I'm guessing its the type of moment where the value is in what you can't catch with a crappy digital camera. Here are some photos anyhow: