Tuesday, August 11, 2009

7 In One Blow

I'm up late having just dealt with an infestation of ants. Luckily for me they were the little tiny ants and not the big juicey ones that give me dry heaves when I squish them. What does it say about my life that, while I'm emptying the cabinet and squishing, squishing, squishing, I think with some glee, "I may have to take off of work tomorrow to sanitize the kitchen: YEAH!!!" Don't know if I will or even can--my boss called off sick today and the other gal who would have to take my hours went home early due to soreness from a recent fall. In light of that, bleaching my shelves takes third place, I'm afraid. Still, to have a day to clean my lovely new kitchen--if its not too hot tomorrow, that could be a good time...

In babynews, I'm happy to report that Donovan actually ate some food tonight: I made him some sweet potato homefries and, after that, he had two servings of yogurt. Then I tricked him into eating a pretzel and part of a cereal bar. After I put him to bed I made Sleek, which is usually a No Fail food for him.

Too bad I'm too tired for a shower. I feel all buggy.


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