Sunday, August 16, 2009

Herron Avenue Just Got Louder

My blackberry can only hold about 7 photos before its "full." This means I have to email the images to myself and then erase them if I want to take more. This is the second time I've been so efficient with this system that I've erased the images before they've arrived in my mailbox. That being said, almost all of the photos of my son playing with his tricycle are gone but most of the ones of him discovering the piano in the living room I managed to save. Both items were shipped here today from Elyria, the piano from my Mom and the trike from my sister who found it at a Goodwill for $5. The trike is really sweet, its a red and white metal reproduction of--oh, what's the company that makes the little red wagons? Well, anyhow, here are the surviving photos:


  1. I always love the pix of Donovan and his pop (and his mom too of course), but that top one is actual art. -clr

