Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Baby's First Slumber Party!

My good friend Amy and her daughter Stella Dot breezed thru Pittsburgh on their way to Cleveland for a wedding, which meant that our 2 year olds got to meet one another! Amy had prepared Stella Dot for the trip so that she knew Donovan's name as well as the name of his mom and dad and what city we lived in. I, on the other hand, totally let Donovan get blindsided: "Donny, LOOK! Surprise!" Which was fine. When they met they were definitely not sure about each other but, within about an hour, they were thick as thieves and it was joy to watch them play together. Stella Dot is a sweet, smart little girl who, as any child coming out of such a well stocked genepool, is also cute like the bug. See for yourself:

The jumping on the airmattress was the best. I'll be smiling about that for days.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, they can fly!

    Had such a nice time. Every time I come, I tell myself that next time I will spend more time in Pittsburgh. . . Stella Dot has asked me to draw Donovan on her coloring pad too many times to count now. "Mommy, Donofan has BROWN hair!"
