Saturday, September 19, 2009

Strange (but not bad) Days

Anyone out there familiar with where the planets are right now? What are they doing? Who's in retrograde and what's conjuncting where? I'm in an odd/good space at the moment in which alot of little buds of my pre-baby life are starting to crack back open. Some of it is very, very necessary (work and career stuff) and some is just nice (socializing and marriage stuff) other aspects are kind of funny (why do I have a huge tube of Queene Helene Original Mint Julep Facial Masque? Where did this footsoakmassager thing come from? Oh well, guess I should use them...)

I did, in fact, just get done soaking my feet in said contraption while reading some guidelines on digital preservation methods--I'm giving up going to a cool party for a sweet lady to get work stuff done so I figured I'd pretend to be at a dayspa. You know--the type that has archival topic white papers interleaved with back issues of Glamour and Cosmo. While I'd feel better about myself if I finished the paper, I have a little bottle of prosecco waiting for me in the fridge. Its going to be a very long and busy week with lots of stuff to do but I'm feeling pretty good about it. And not too guilty about it taking time away from the kid.

Check back with me about all that on Tuesday or so...

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