Saturday, October 31, 2009

9 Out of 10 Doctors Agree...

I've been meaning to post this for about a week but this is the first chance I've had to do so: we got the first official report on Donovan's "learning delays." The report was based on his first appointment at Children's and was about 6 pages long. It was pretty easy to understand but it was written very much in medical speak. The two things I noticed were that 1) he scored a nice, fat ZERO on the autism spectrum and 2) hidden away on page five was this very important medical opinion:SEE? Its a medical fact! A scientific certitude! Empirically tested! THE UNASSAILABLE TRUTH: The kid is adorable!

I'm not bragging--just stating the clearly deliniated medical facts...


  1. You think it and think it, but boy, you feel a lot better when you see it in writing, you know? ;)

  2. I have so much more confidence in his medical evaluation knowing that a doctor could get, at least, this critical fact accurately. Donovan Fan Club For The Win!
