Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Wrap Up

Wow: I had the Dreaded Third Drink at Gooski's tonight so I'm not sure how well I'll be able to type. That being said, I do want to post some photos from the long weekend. The Thanksgiving dinner itself was wonderful but so demanding of everyone's full attention that no photos were taken. Which is fine: there's something to be said for living in the moment as opposed to trying to capture it.

One of the best things about this year's Thanksgiving was not only that Claire and Heather came in from Brooklyn but that our friend MeeO and her very nice friend Roy also visited. MeeO is one of my all time favorite people, which does not mean I got any photos of her either, but here are a few from when Donny and I met her and Roy at the children's room of the Carnegie Library.
MeeO used to work at that library so I'm glad she could show Roy her old stompin' ground and also get one last hurrah in with the boy and me. Donny made me very happy by actually bringing me books to read to him.
Previous trips to the library have been all about playing with the bead table (see above) and/or running around the vast expanses of carpet. This was a very nice change.

After we said our goodbyes to MeeO and Roy, we went and killed some time at the Museum. Donny was pretty good for a little bit in the newly redone Decorative Arts wing but got fussy once we moved away from the displays of glass. We went outside and he communed with the fountains.

I think he would have been happy to live there for a month or two.

Sunday, Mike had off of work and we decided that we'd had enough of grocery shopping on our day off together. Instead of buying paper products and foodstuffs, we packed up the boy and went to Phipps. The Christmas displays were in full force and, of course, Donny ignored most of them. He did like the Christmas tree at the entrance, tho.

One of the best things about Phipps is that Donny can look at stuff with his folks or just run ahead on his own. He had a good time doing both:

He also seemed intrigued by the Garden Trains, which I must admit were very sweet. Mike had to catch him before he ran under the velvet rope to grab them.

Finally, he got to play with two of his favorite things: buttons and water. The one fountain in the Victorian Room has a control panel where you can program a water display. Donovan did'nt care about that. He was happy to press buttons and look at water shooting out of pool.

All and all, a good holiday.


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