Saturday, February 6, 2010


The weather reporters in Pittsburgh are known for their doomsday takes on just about everything. Its very much a War of the Worlds type thing, but in the form of a five day forecast. My conspiracy theory is that they know there is a high concentration of old people in Pittsburgh and old people tend to take the weather reports very seriously. Thus, not being all that old, I usually listen to the weather and then cut their forecasts in half.

This time, tho, it actually was doomsday. The snow started yesterday and when we woke up today, it was ENORMOUS. I have'nt seen snow like this since I was a kid in Ohio--easily 2 feet of undrifted piles and piles of snow. The birdbath next door looked like there was a huge coconut cake sitting on it. And you couldnt open the frontdoor all the way for all the snow on the porch.

Whole Foods was closed so all three of us got to have a snow day. It turned out to be very traditionally gendered: I cooked, baked and cleaned, Mike shoveled the snow and took the boy out to play. Which was fine with me, since I had a cold from walking thru the snow last night. Here are some shots from Snowpocolypse 2010 on Polish Hill:

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