Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Son, The Singin' Frog

Mike took Lil' Amadeus to his "mini lesson" with the Suzuki teacher today. The result was pretty much what I was expecting, which was call back in 6 months. The kid's just not ready to take instruction, which considering he is a 3 year old should be no surprise. The funny thing is, he did what he did after his last lesson, which is he refused to do what the teacher wanted him to do when we ask him, but then 10 minutes later, he's doing it and he's so proud of himself that he's laughing. This time it was playing in a rhythm--and anyone who's ever played an instrument will be familiar with the "Mississippi Hot Dog" rhythm. Also, he bowed for the teacher but he would'nt bow for me. He did bow for Mike a little later on but I missed it.

So, yeah, the world isn't ready for our Boy Genius yet. Which is perfectly fine. The teacher said to come back in 6 months or so to see where he is. Mark your calendars for January 2011.

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