Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here We Go, Warhol, Here We Go [clap, clap]!

This past Saturday was the BIG GAME, so we took Donovan to the Warhol.

The thing about going to the Warhol on a BIG GAME day is that the stadium is literally a block away from the museum.  Its the oddest and most fitting Pittsburgh juxtaposition.  The game was to start at 4 and we got the the North Side at about 10:30 am and we still got stuck in traffic.  Luckily, the Warhol has a teeny tiny parking lot--I wanted to take photos of the 2 signs they had at the entrance to it: "WARHOL ONLY" and "NO FOOTBALL PARKING."  Mike and I wondered how many times the guard at the entrance hears, "Awww, c'mon!" on a day like that.  It was actually really fun to see everyone setting up to tailgate.  As we were getting out of the car, I looked across to the parking lot across the street and a couple of guys were splitting wood for a fire.

I would also mention that taking Donny to the Warhol was pretty much akin to taking any all American kid to a department store to see Santa Claus.  One of Donovan's favorite books is Uncle Andy's Cats and we told him we were taking him to Uncle Andy's Museum.  The downside of this arrangement is having to stay in character with your kid and refer, in public in front of all variety of hipsters, to Andy Warhol as "Uncle Andy."  I'm sure Warhol was a kind and loving Uncle to his nieces and nephews but I just know too many stories, not of bad behavior per se but behavior unbefitting someone you're teaching your kid to call "Uncle."

Anyhow, Uncle Andy's Museum was a huge hit. I don't have many photos because, as an ex docent, I gave up prime photo ops in order not to break any museum rules. Wisely, the Warhol lets you take photos in the silver cloud room. That, of course, was the hit of the day. To get Donovan to leave we pretty much had to carry him out sideways like he was some sort of battering ram capable of having a tantrum. We also got a couple shots of him in a room that was all televisions and headphones: that was also a big, big hit.

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