Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Christmas Clock is Ticking.../Happy Solstice!

We're gearing up for Christmas here on Herron Avenue. Please note the perfection of our fantastic tree: One of the perks of being from an older family (as in all your relatives are old) is that you eventually end up with a bevy of antique ornaments. Of course this windfall is the result of my aunts deciding that their 3ft. artificial tree "was'nt worth the effort." I try not to think about that too much. At least I can put their old ornaments to good use:
Donovan very much likes the tree and has been playing in his House alot, which has been uprooted and moved across the room to make room for said tree:
He's also been playing alot with his freakishly huge Tonka dumptruck. That thing makes me realize just how big our house is. The layout often feels constricting but squarefootagewise, its pretty impressive. The kid was amusing me last night by using his Made in China Tonka truck to transport all his made by hand out of naturally dyed wool Waldorf inspired toys.
Best of both worlds, I suppose.

Me, I'm trying to get everything done before Zero Hour. So far I've managed to bake two batches of biscotti and I've got the dough for some Joe Froggers in the fridge. There is much giftwrapping to be done, at which time I will survey where I am and who I've neglected. The good news is that a quick trip to the Waterfront was all I needed to finish up for the Mom and the Aunts. The sister, however, is a quandry...

But now its time to address cards. We left off till now hoping we could get a good picture of the boy to include but he's just too fast for me. Tomorrow starts his two weeks off of daycare and my one week off of work. Tomorrow is also a busy day for him as his OT therapist is coming in at 10 and his speech therapist will be stopping by after 6pm. Dang.

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