Friday, December 18, 2009

Needles and Pins

It’s been quite the week, I must say. I had two major meetings at work which required much last minute number crunching from me. In between the two meetings I took a sick day because I got this monster cold. There was lots of stuff in between but here is why I’m on pins and needles: the meeting today that I couldn't miss fell in such a way that I had to cancel my plans to pick up my kid from Waldorf. Today is the last day before a two week break and his program gets out at 3. Planning for his pick up at the last minute got very baroque and now involves Sheryl, Mike’s folks, The Quiet Storm, the car seat and me getting picked up after work at 5. What I’m worried about is the kid going completely freakdeaky about someone who’s not me taking him somewhere that’s not Whole Foods. Lately he’s been not at all down with change. Plus, we are in the middle of Binkston Cold Turkey—we did the cutting off the end thing and that seemed to work and, so far, he hasn’t had any sort of binkstonworthy meltdown. I certainly hope that he’s alright. I haven’t gotten any exasperated texts from Sheryl yet and its almost 4. Maybe that means they are having a lovely time together. Maybe that means he’s been laying in the Waldorf parking lot screaming for an hour.

Say what you will: I have the next week off and today is the day that I earned it. Man I cannot wait to stop worrying!

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