Thursday, November 8, 2007

About that Gifthorse...

I just spoke with a friend who was expounding on the fine qualities of my son, for which I was very grateful. When you are 40 and pregnant and have a lot of questionable memories of adolescence, you can worry about a lot of things: will the kid be healthy? Will s/he be happy? Will s/he be able to fend for her/himself in a cruel world? What have I learned from being the butt of jokes, the last one picked for kickball, from having to invent a world of my own to live in because I was’nt welcome in any of the ones that were already there? Can I teach my kid how to make the most—and more—of the hand you’re dealt?

What I never expected was that I would have a chronically happy, beautiful blue eyed baby boy who, at 7 months, is the most popular kid in town.

I have no advice for you, my son. You’re on your own.


sheryl said...

I think D's real problem will be his fan club of devoted aunties fawning all over his every word and deed.
We'll have to learn to reign it in by the time he gets to middle school.....

Jennie B. said...

True dat, Boo. Is there a tougher military academy than West Point I should look into?