Its late. In fact, its so late that its early. And here I am in my work clothes and babooshka, typing up a quick entry before bed.
The contractor did, in fact, come today, so my 1/2 day off of work was not for naught. Today was the day he was going to put in the custom countertops (important because our kitchen has a strange angle to the far wall and I wanted to close that off before another generation of food crumbs and cat fur could gather...). I had to leave when he and his partner were halfway thru but this is what Mike, Donovan and I came home to

Note that the bottom cabinet in the photo above looks very happy and content. The contractor put in the countertop, the sink, the faucet, the range hood and the handles on the doors which, if I do say so myself, make the look.

Amy asked for a close up of the formica. Its rather timeless in that it doesnt look of a particular vintage. And I do like the combination of white and green.

You'll note we still have to redo the wall behind everything. The good news is that we got some bad news today: the flooring that was supposed to go in this coming Thursday won't be in until the end of the month. The month in question being March. At first I was livid but then I realized that we now have time to prime and paint the ceiling and walls--on the old schedule that was going to have to happen on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Because there's so much time before the floor, the contractor put in the dishwasher--he'd been waiting because the "subfloor" needs to go under it so the new flooring doesnt trap it. So, despite the lack of a new floor and the need for paint (and a few other little trim and moulding things) its time to take back the kitchen.
That means its time to unpack the chickens:

The chickens are from my Mom's family and I've always had a soft spot for them. They were on a high shelf on a hutch in the kitchen before but they just got greasy with no one paying them any attention. I specifically requested the 3 shelves next to the sink with them in mind. The first order of business was to scrub the dust and grime off them. Now they are nice and shiny, looking just fine on their shelves.

The top shelf is currently open--my Mom tried to pawn an antique chicken cookie jar on me last time I was home--I'm hoping it will fit up there...