This is not a picture of our adorable child. This is a picture of our kitchen. Its a very long story but we are FINALLY getting our waterdamaged, dirty, nasty-ass kitchen redone. To give you an indication, we met with the first set of contractors while I was on my maternity leave. After much ado and the threat of a lawsuit it looks like Monday will be the first day of demolition. Goodbye old waterdamaged bulkhead as seen above. Goodbye waterdamaged, ugly ceiling tiles.

So tomorrow, the grocery shopping will consist of paper plates, paper cups and prepackaged, don't need to refrigerate until opened containers of milk. Not very green but we'll make up for it when our new lives commence. Which, of course, will be when the kitchen is done.
We're so close. I can barely stand it.
OH: And I almost forgot. Donny went back to the doctor as his rash was sticking around, which was not consistant with the diagnosis of St. Vitus Dance, I mean, Fifth Disease that he got last week. His regular doctor looked him over and the verdict is: ECZEMA. I was told to get a prescription for hydrocortosone cream and then to "moisturize the heck outta him" in this cold weather. Donovan really doesn't like the hydorcortosone and I don't either--it doesn't really sink in so he looks like he's too drunk of a clown to get all the grease paint off. His skin, tho, looks soooo much better. Par example: