Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Widening Gyre

Hello, Friends.

And where have we been?


First, we went to Ohio for my Dad's funeral. It was sweet and well attended and it was great to see everyone. Then we came back to the real world of work, which for me is fairly fraught these days. THEN, this morning, Donny had a fever. Of course I feared for the worst. Its odd to be relieved by a diagnosis of pneumonia, but relieved is exactly what I was. I was also shocked that they sent me home with him. No iron lung? No 3 month stay in a bucolic sanatarium? No huge plastic bubble? For having pneumonia, he was a very good boy all day today and we had a good time. Well, as good a time as you can have on a sick day. Mike's staying home with him tomorrow and we are still scheming about Friday.

No more drama for me, really. I can't eat another bite.

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