Saturday, December 15, 2007

It Feels More Like a Grain of Sand

First Tooth Alert! Its coming in on the bottom in front, which is apparently the classic first tooth. We have been assured by many that our nightmares have just begun and, while I would'nt classify it that way, its proving to be a late night tonight. Donny came home from his grandparents very happy but quickly came down with a fever and wanted desperately to sleep. We dosed him with Tylenol, changed him and I put him into his crib after about 1/2 an hour of rocking him. Long story short, its about an hour and a half later and we're just taking him downstairs. No point all three of us being trapped up here. Mike and I want to decorate the damn tree tonight so he'll need to sit in his carseat while we work. Also, tomorrow is a LUPEC party at my place. I'm so geeked about my theme but mad that I thought of it at the last damn minute. I did have all day to work on everything but that was'nt enough time. I was going to finish my baking while Donovan slept tonight: Oh Well.

Now its time to go down and decorate the tree. Ho ho ho.

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