Monday, December 10, 2007

No, We Don't Use Ajax...

Donovan had his picture taken today by a professional photographer. This photo, obviously, is not one of them but it shows what we did alot of in the week leading up to the photos, which is Scrub The Baby. Our house has a shower but no bathtub so we make do with what we can. When he was just a 5 pound squawker we would give him baths in a roasting pan so the sink is definately a step up. For those of you who have not seen our kitchen, it is lovely huge but ugly brown. Luckily we got an insurance check for damage due to a bad roofing job and that will help us remodel. Until then, please ignore the nastiness in the background. Luckily, you are most likely distracted by those Liza Minelli eyelashes the boy is sporting.

I am going to keep this short as I am all computered out. I won't tell you how long I spent on line trying to find some Baby's First Christmas pajamas for him to wear when we are in Ohio with my folks for Christmas. Really, I'm surprised my eyes arent bleeding. Who are all these people who buy such things in October? Is that what I'm expected to do as a mother? Wrong woman, people--wrong, wrong woman. I did find a pair, AND they were on sale. Now I'm going to hide under my bed

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